
Dakota Medical Foundation

Sister Mary Louise Jundt, OSF

Sister Mary Louise    

Living out her calling by God to serve and be a "light" to others, Sister Mary Louise leaves a legacy to inspire us all, especially on Giving Hearts Day.

Sister Mary Louise Jundt, OSF
May 17, 1931 – July 4th, 2023

You may have heard her on the radio during Giving Hearts Day or read about her faith-filled development work for the mission of St. Gerard’s Community of Care in rural Hankinson, North Dakota. Even if these were your only reference points for knowing Sister Mary Louise Jundt, each would be enough to make her unforgettable.

We at Dakota Medical Foundation know and will remember Sister Mary Louise as an icon of service to others and a gracious ambassador of Giving Hearts Day. She carried a contagious spirit and “light” of purpose. Sister Mary Louise embraced the needs of others as opportunities to serve and live the life God called her to live.

Honestly, for me, it’s a joy, and it’s a blessing really.
Because that’s what my vocation and our vocation as religious is really; to be there for others.
And these are all opportunities to be there to make a difference and it can spread beyond.

Watch the video below featuring Sister Mary Louise during an interview on Giving Hearts Day 2022 with Scott Hennen of AM 1100 The Flag WZFG and Pat Traynor, President/CEO of Dakota Medical Foundation and Impact Foundation.

Our Invitation to Remember and Serve

We invite you to join us in building the legacy of Sister Mary Louise. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Memorials may be directed to  St. Gerard’s Community of Care or  The Sister Mary Louise Legacy Fund at Dakota Medical Foundation  

Sister Mary Louise would be pleased if all gifts served the needy.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.


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