a digital detox challenge
A Digital Detox Challenge

phones down ▾ heads up

"Life is what happens when we
put our phones down and lift our heads up.”

Dakota Medical Foundation

Why it matters

Challenge Rules

RULE #1 Eliminate social media for a week or abstain from using your phone for a day.

Choose a digital detox that works for you.

RULE #2 Choose 3 activities from the list below and commit to doing them for a week or a day.

Choose a timeframe that works for you.

RULE #3 Complete the challenge and take notes about how you feel.

Recognize the symptoms of your improved wellbeing. OPTIONAL: Report back to us about your experience using the form below!

Phones Down Activities

Support in-person friendships & community events

Lunch and dinner gatherings • coffee dates • festivals • community theater • farmer's markets

Try a new hobby or craft

Scrapbooking • gardening • baking • pottery • geocaching • woodworking

Exercise and move your body

Walk • swim • bike • play a sport • archery • rock-climbing

Have game or puzzle nights

Play board games • cards • yard games
Prepare a puzzle table and gradually put the pieces of the puzzle together


Invest time in • reading scripture • prayer books • printed devotions • simple, quiet reflection • to increase your calm and hope


Manage your stress • increase self-awareness • focus on the present • reduce negative emotions • increase imagination and creativity • strengthen patience and tolerance

Care for pets

Take them for a walk • play with them in the yard • groom them • clean their resting and living areas

Spend time with children

Children enjoy attention, especially from safe and caring adults • Read a book to or with them • play a game • teach them a skill

Be in nature

Walk outside • sit in a park or on a beach • swim in a lake • have a picnic lunch • hike • look at the stars

Make music & play an instrument

Improve your brain function and connectivity • increase your memory function • improve your concentration and listening skills • develop your coordination and fine motor skills • boost your self-esteem

Order in person

Talk to the coffee barista or storekeeper instead of ordering with the App

Read a hard-print book

Turn the pages, mark the words, highlight passages • spend time in a library with traditional books and periodicals


Improve physical and mental health • develop a sense of purpose • learn valuable skills • nurture new and existing relationships

Write thank you notes

Share your gratitude.
Grateful people are happy people, and there is always something to be thankful for!

Work on your to-do list

Clean out your closet • tidy up a room • re-stock your pantry • organize your drawers


Let your body and mind rest from the • endless scroll • comparison • FOMO • negativity • frequent notifications • interruptions • distractions

Report back to us!

We’d appreciate hearing about your Phones Down ▾ Heads Up Challenge experience!
If you’d like to share, complete the form below!

Phones Down ▾ Heads Up Challenge Report

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
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