
Dakota Medical Foundation

New home of Dakota Medical Foundation location map

A New Home for
the Foundation

This spring, Dakota Medical Foundation will be settling into its new home just down the road. The new location will be a gift to the community.

We are excited to share that, in 2024, Dakota Medical Foundation will be settling into its new home just down the road from its current building. Since opening the doors of our current space in 2013, more than 1,400 nonprofits and 100,000 people have used the facility for various charitable purposes. And as demand has continued to grow, so too has our need for more square footage.

In 2019, the Foundation began planning its campus of the future. However, just two years later — due to the pandemic — construction and material costs became prohibitive and unpredictable. As a result, building a new space was not a wise investment at the time. Subsequently, an opportunity arose to consider the building we ultimately chose as our future home. This building will allow for even more space than originally planned and future expansion, cost-sharing, and co-location of multiple health-related entities.

The impact of this space will go far beyond just meeting rooms. The Foundation views this building as a gift to the community. It will be a place for people to gather during a time when we need it most. According to a recent study, nearly half of Americans feel lonely or left out. The strongest communities are the ones that gather together, and this space will be used for exactly that. This is needed not only for the health of every individual but also for the prosperity of the organizations that are working to make our community as healthy as it can possibly be.

This building will be a vessel through which DMF can continue to build the capabilities of charities and community leaders. The expanded space also includes expanded training opportunities, including more extensive board training and coaching programs. The building will serve as a hub for all DMF programs and a potential home for other organizations impacting health in our community, such as a childcare center, a recovery center, and other community groups.


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