
Dakota Medical Foundation

Picture of Riley Boese

Riley Boese

Member Spotlight: John Deutsch

John Deutsch, DMF Board Member

Read on to learn more about DMF Board Member John Deutsch. 

  • Occupation: InHealth Specialty Pharmacy, Pharmacist/Co-Owner
  • Hometown: Fargo, ND
  • Education: NDSU College of Pharmacy
  • DMF Role(s): I serve on the DMF Finance Committee and the DMF Board of Directors.
  • Words to Live By: Advice that I probably mention to my kids more than anything else is simply to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

How did you get involved with DMF?
A family member who was previously involved with DMF asked if I might be interested in becoming a member a number of years back. I said yes at the time, not fully understanding all the ways DMF serves those around us. Now, having a much better grasp of all that DMF is and does, I’m so grateful I did agree to join and sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be a very small part of an organization that does so much good for our community. 

What part of DMF’s vision/mission resonates the most with you?
As a healthcare provider, helping to improve the health and well-being of those in our area has always been important to me. DMF’s bold vision to lead initiatives to create a region of the healthiest people really resonates with me. 

What does the healthiest, most generous region in the world look like to you?
To me, it looks like a place where the people that live there are active and fit; where children always feel safe; where homelessness, suicide, and drug abuse end; where everyone’s healthcare needs are met and the whole community rallies around and generously supports the non-profits and individuals that seek to serve those most in need in our region. 

Who is your role model and why?
I can’t pick just one. My dad and my father-in-law are probably the two kindest, other-centered and Godly men I know. I’m blessed to have them both in my life and to model after. 

How would you advise people to dream more boldly in their day-to-day lives?
It’s easy for me to get stuck in a daily routine of completing one task after another. I personally need to do a better job of looking around and asking questions about some of the challenges around us and then experimenting with potential ways to solve them. 


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