
Dakota Medical Foundation

How You Could Change The Future of Your Teen

As many kids suffer from mental health in silence, now’s the time to check in with your teen to gain a clear understanding of the struggles they may be facing. Discover how you could change the future of your teen by learning how to start the conversation.


Download the Robbie's Hope Handbook

Robbie’s Hope, a DMF partner, is on a quest to cut teen suicide rates in half by 2028. With the support of teens and the struggles they’re facing, Robbie’s Hope assembled an “Adult Handbook.”

This handbook includes useful tips and valuable resources to help you start the conversation with your teen, so they have the comfort of knowing tomorrow can be better. Click here to download the handbook.


Watch the "Break the Silence" Video

As Suicide has become the second leading cause of death among teens in the US, the “Break the Silence” film highlights individuals in our region who have been impacted. 

This film features local teens, families, and individuals who work with youth to bring light to the importance of discussing suicide with our teens. Now, more than ever, kids need to know this topic is not off-limits. Click here to watch the video.


Learn More About Kids Mental Health

To learn more about kids’ mental health in North Dakota, DMF distributed a survey to parents and youth organizations to discover the key circumstances of what they’re facing over the past year.

The results were staggering: 69% of parents recorded an increase in unhealthy youth electronic use, and 74% of youth organizations have seen an increase in youth social health challenges. Click here to learn more.

Plus, don’t forget to follow our Kids Mental Health campaign on Facebook and LinkedIn
Learn more about the Kids Mental Health program below.


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